87. Glue the F-23's to the lower rear fuse from F-5 back.
With the 3/32"x1" (2.4x25.4mm) balsa strips glue the top rear corners in from F-6 to the tail.
Sand the top of the fuselage so that the sides between F-1 and F-2 are perfectly flat.
Fit the 1/4"x1-3/4"x1-1/2"(6.4x44.5x 38.1mm) balsa piece on the top of the nose from F-1 back to the rear of F-2 and glue
in. Now sand the front and back of this block until it matches F-1 and F-2.
Trace the nose block and tail block outlines from the plans onto a sheet of paper, cut them out, and glue them on the proper
blocks with a glue stick. The glue stick will hold them while you saw the blocks to the outline then they will peel off easily.
Tip: When cutting out the blocks. Cut them about 1/32" (.8mm) oversize. It is a lot easier to sand off a little excess than to
try to add wood later.
Glue the blocks on the fuselage in their proper places.
Glue F-3T to the fuselage side at the rear of the hatch area. The angle of the bulkhead should match the angle on the
fuselage sides and the corners that meet the sides should be flush with the top of F-11.
Bevel the bottom of the F-25s to match the top surface of the sides between F-3T and F-4 and glue these pieces onto the
bulkheads. Sand the front and rear of the F-25 flush with the bulkheads, then sand the tops of them down, flush with the
tops of the bulkheads.
Glue the 1/4"x1-3/4"x1-1/2" (6.4x44.5x38.1mm) block on the top of this section.
Remove excess wood then round off the fuselage, as you did the nacelles.
Join HB-1 and HB-2 on a flat surface.
Sand the top of the fuselage in the hatch area until it is perfectly flat and the top
blocks behind F-3T and ahead of F-2 flush with the bulkheads. Tape a piece of
wax paper over the hatch area then pin the HB pieces down over the wax paper.
This forms the base of the battery hatch and cockpit.
Bevel the bottom of HR so it makes a good joint with HB-2 and glue it on the rear
of the hatch so it lays flush against F-3T.