To make the assembly of the nacelle and fuselage assembly quicker and more efficient, pre-form the following parts so
they can be drying while the stabilizer and rudders are built.
Secure parts numbered N-4 (4 pcs.), N-5 (4 pcs.), and N-6 (2 pcs.) from their laser cut sheets #8 and #9.
Prepare a soaking solution of 1-cup hot water and 1 cup ammonia and pour into a small plastic tub or coffee can.
Soak the rear 2/3’s of the N-4's and the
front 2/3's of pieces N-5 and N-6 in this
solution for an hour, remove and pat
Shim and weight the pieces as shown
with 3/4" and 1/2" (20 and 12.7mm)
shims and allow them to dry for a day.
Make sure you bend 2 rights and two
lefts of N-4 and N-6
Get the two F-13 fuselage bottom pieces from the 1/16" (1.5mm) sheet #2 and the two F-22s from the 3/32" (2.4mm) sheet
#3. These need to be preformed before being glued to the fuselage. Soak them in warm water as before then weigh them
down with 3/4" (20mm) shims at each end. The weight should be applied about 2/3’s of the way towards the small end of
the F-13's and the curved end of the F-22's. Make sure you make a left and right when doing the F-22's.
Cut 8 rib blanks 2-1/4" (57.1mm) long from 3/32"x1/4" (2.4x6.4mm) balsa and 2 end ribs 1-7/8" (47.6mm) long from
1/4" (6.4mm) square. Stack these up side by side with one of the 1/4" (6.4mm) end ribs on the outside of the stack. Align
one end against a straight edge, square up the stack, and tape together tightly. True up the squared end with a sanding
block then measure 3/8" (9.5mm) in from this end and make a mark, then mark the center 1/8" (3.2mm) in from the edge.
Also mark the top of this stack as
With a 1/8" (3.2mm) bit, drill through the
stack at this mark keeping the drill
centered all the way through. If you
have a drill press with a vice, it makes
this job easier. Elongate the holes in the
end ribs into a 1/4" (6.4mm) slot.
Cover the stabilizer plan with wax paper
then pin down the 1/4" (6.4mm) square
leading and trailing edges over the plan.
Cut to length and glue in the ribs where
shown on the plan keeping the hole to
the rear and the marked side up.
Glue a piece of 1/8"x1/4" (3.2x6.4mm)
balsa between the center two ribs at the
trailing edge.