Optional Tail Wheel Installation
Parts Required
(not furnished)
1 - 1/32" Dia. x18" Music Wire
1 - 1/8" O.D. x18" Plastic Tube
1 - 1/16" Dia. x3-1/4" Music Wire
1 - SIGSH132 Tailwheel Bracket
2 - #4x1/2" Sheet Metal Screws
1 - 1/16" I.D. Wheel Collar
1 - 3/4" Dia. Tailwheel
1 - 1/32"x3/16"x1/2" Brass Strip Stock
1 - 1/8"x1-1/2"x2-1/2" Lite-Ply
2 - 1/4"x2-1/2" Balsa Triangular Stock
Glue F-24 on the bottom of the rear
Glue F-18 to the top aft of the wing.
Bevel all the corners on the top of the
fuselage from the wing to the tail and the
bottom of the fuselage like you did on the
bottom of the nacelles.
Glue the F-22's to the lower nose section
starting from F-5 and working forward.
Sand the edges of the F-22's flush with
the F-13's then laminate the F-14 through
F-18 over them. Taper the back edge of
F-18 to fair into F-24.