SIG DORN IER Do 217 Assembly Manual Download Page 28

Landing the Do 217 is almost a non-event. Assuming, of course, that you're flying off of a grass field, the set-up for a 
landing approach is no different than any other model. Pick a point on the field where you want to touch down and fly the 
airplane down to that point, slowing it up by throttling back. Like any other landing approach, start with the downwind leg, 
followed by the base turn and last, the turn to the final upwind landing approach to your runway. This sequence is ideally 
flown with the model gradually descending to final touchdown with the wings level. Just before touchdown, the throttle stick 
should be fully off with no power to the motors and the airplane will slide cleanly to stop.
After the first test flight, review the transmitter trim inputs and adjust the flying surface linkages accordingly. Then return 
the transmitter flight trims to their neutral settings. You may have to do this a couple of times until the airplane is 
completely "dialed-in" to your liking. Also, after each flight, make it a habit to inspect the airplane completely - inside and 
out - for anything that may have come loose, may have broken, etc. This simple practice will keep your Do 217 on the 
ready line for a long time to come.
We sincerely hope that you have enjoyed building and flying your new SIG Do 217 model. We also hope that you will 
continue to fly it safely for a long time to come, with respect for other people and property.


Good luck and safe flying!

SIG Manufacturing is completely committed to your success with this model. If, for any reason you should encounter any 
problems with the parts or materials used in this kit, be sure to contact SIG.


Warning! This is not a toy!

Flying machines of any form, either model-size or full-size, are not toys! Because of the speeds that airplanes must achieve in 
order to fly, they are capable of causing serious bodily harm and property damage if they crash. IT IS YOUR 
RESPONSIBILITY AND YOURS ALONE to assemble this model airplane correctly according to the plans and instructions, to 
ground test the finished model before each flight to make sure it is completely airworthy, and to always fly your model in a safe 
location and in a safe manner. The first test flights should only be made by an experienced R/C flyer, familiar with high 
performance R/C aircraft.
The governing body for radio-control model airplanes in the United States is the ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS, 
commonly called the AMA. The AMA SAFETY CODE provides guidelines for the safe operation of R/C model airplanes. While 
AMA membership is not necessarily mandatory, it is required by most R/C flying clubs in the U.S. and provides you with 
important liability insurance in case your R/C model should ever cause serious property damage or personal injury to someone 
else. For more information, contact:


Telephone: (765) 287-1256

5161 East Memorial Drive 

Muncie, IN 47302

SIG MFG. CO., INC. is totally committed to your success in both assembling and flying the Dornier Do 217 kit. Should you 
encounter any problem building this kit or discover any missing or damaged parts, please feel free to contact us by mail or 

401-7 South Front Street 
Montezuma, IA 50171-0520

SIG MODELER S ORDERLINE: (to order parts)


SIG MODELER S HOTLINE (for technical support)




© Copyright SIG Mfg. Co., Inc.


SIG MFG. CO., INC............Montezuma, Iowa 50171-0520



 The craftsmanship, attention to detail and actions of the builder/flyer of this model airplane kit will 

ultimately determine the airworthiness, flight performance and safety of the finished model. SIG MFG. CO's obligation shall be 
to replace those parts of the kit proven to be defective or missing. The user shall determine the suitability of the product for his 
or her intended use and shall assume all risk and liability in connection therewith.

Summary of Contents for DORN IER Do 217

Page 1: ...especially successful Never the less development continued and early pre production Do 217A O s undertook a variety of clandestine photo recon missions over the Soviet Union prior to the German attack in 1941 Further development of the type produced the E 2 variant originally conceived as a divebomber However trials proved this unpractical and the E 2 was ultimately used for bombing raids over Gre...

Page 2: ...flying models with surprisingly honest flying characteristics When powered with a couple of appropriately sized brushless outrunner motors swinging the recommended prop sizes the airplane will have a wide speed range and should be capable of some very nice although not necessarily scale aerobatics While the SIG Do 217 is a comfortable model to fly we do not recommend it as a first R C model But we...

Page 3: ...or horn 1 10 32 blind nut Wing hold down 16 2x7 16 sheet metal screws socket head w washer 2 2 56 metal threaded RC links Aileron linkage 2 2 56 threaded steel rods Aileron linkage 4 Pushrod connectors Control hook ups Miscellaneous Parts 1 1 x24 glass tape Wing center section 1 Aileron interconnect horn Elevator pushrod 1 Small control horn right Aileron linkage 1 Small control horn left Aileron ...

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Page 6: 1 25 4mm forward of the spar and 1 2 12 7mm and 5 127mm from the root You can make a neat circle cutter with a piece of 1 2 12 7mm brass tube sharpened at the end 4 Cover the plan over the right wing panel with wax paper and pin the leading and trailing edge sheets down to the plan in their proper place Glue the W 12 piece between them at the tip where shown Place a 1 8 3 2mm shim under W 12 an...

Page 7: ...ry cut the trailing edge sheeting out where the aileron will go in 11 Shape the top of the aileron spar until it matches the tops of the ribs 12 Glue one of the pre shaped trailing edge sheets to the ribs and along the trailing edge and to the tip outline To allow working time here it is best to use SIG Bond glue to hold the top sheeting to the ribs and spars Be sure to pin the sheets down securel...

Page 8: ...ting from the aileron area rough shape the leading edge trim the excess sheeting from the tip and true up the sheeting at the root rib 19 Set this panel aside and build the other panel using steps 1 through 18 20 Make the servo wire guide tubes by rolling a 2 x11 50 8x279 4mm piece of typing paper tightly around a section of 3 8 9 5 mm dowel then insert this dowel and paper into the holes 21 When ...

Page 9: ...p out Now lay the wing up side down with the spars flat on the building board and tape the leading edge and trailing edge securely together so the panels line up exactly Glue in the bottom spar joiner and clean up any excess epoxy with a paper towel and alcohol then set aside to cure 25 While waiting for this to cure prepare the center sheeting for use Cut the two 1 2 12 7mm holes for the servo wi...

Page 10: ...3 s of the way towards the small end of the F 13 s and the curved end of the F 22 s Make sure you make a left and right when doing the F 22 s TAIL SURFACE CONSTRUCTION 34 Cut 8 rib blanks 2 1 4 57 1mm long from 3 32 x1 4 2 4x6 4mm balsa and 2 end ribs 1 7 8 47 6mm long from 1 4 6 4mm square Stack these up side by side with one of the 1 4 6 4mm end ribs on the outside of the stack Align one end aga...

Page 11: the 027 68mm cable slides easily through the tube Hint The cable will slide easier if you pre bend it to the rough shape of the tube When satisfied with the fit glue the tube in as shown You will need to elongate the hole in the rib where the tube goes through next to the wire 43 Get the 3 32 x1 1 2 brass tube from the hardware bag and cut it into four equal sections This can be easily done by ...

Page 12: side of the center mark Saw 1 8 3 2mm deep at each mark and remove the wood in between This provides clearance for the wheel collar on the control horn 53 To mark where to drill the elevators for the control horns pin the elevators to the stabilizer with the outboard ends about 1 16 1 5mm in from the rudders Lay the control horn over the elevators with the collar centered in the notch and mark ...

Page 13: ...m flat of N 1 so that it overhangs the front about 1 16 1 5 mm align the rear of F 6 with the rear of the nacelle and glue into position 62 To add the N 5 bottom corner pieces it is now necessary to bevel the edges of the sides and bottom to match the angles on the bottom of the bulkheads as shown 63 Glue the preformed N 5 s to the bottom corners of the nacelle 64 Round off the bottom of the nacel...

Page 14: ... SIGSH523 Landing Gear Clips 5 Cut opening in the bottom of the nacelle to clear the coil spring 6 Glue the gear strut assembly to the back of N 2 FUSELAGE CONSTRUCTION 66 Locate and remove both fuselage sides from the two 4 sheets and mark a left and right side 67 Using bulkhead F 4 in its slot on both fuselage sides at the leading edge of the wing as a guide draw a line to the top of the fuselag...

Page 15: ...lue in F 8 making sure the top pushrod guide hole is to the right as in the previous step 78 Glue in F 9 making sure the pushrod guide hole is offset to the left and then add F 10 79 Double check the fuselage for straightness at this point then go back and double glue all your bulkheads to the fuse sides 80 Install the two 1 8 3 2mm nylon pushrod guide tubes Sand the bottoms of F 1 F 2 and F 3 to ...

Page 16: ... Ply 2 1 4 x2 1 2 Balsa Triangular Stock 83 Glue F 24 on the bottom of the rear fuselage 84 Glue F 18 to the top aft of the wing 85 Bevel all the corners on the top of the fuselage from the wing to the tail and the bottom of the fuselage like you did on the bottom of the nacelles 86 Glue the F 22 s to the lower nose section starting from F 5 and working forward Sand the edges of the F 22 s flush w...

Page 17: ...s 93 Glue F 3T to the fuselage side at the rear of the hatch area The angle of the bulkhead should match the angle on the fuselage sides and the corners that meet the sides should be flush with the top of F 11 94 Bevel the bottom of the F 25s to match the top surface of the sides between F 3T and F 4 and glue these pieces onto the bulkheads Sand the front and rear of the F 25 flush with the bulkhe...

Page 18: ...of the hatch sides and glue down the 1 4 x1 3 4 x1 1 2 6 4x44 5x38 1mm top block Sand this part flush with the front of the hatch and the instrument panel in the rear then glue in HP 106 Pin the hatch assembly back onto the fuselage and rough shape the nose back to the wing opening AIRFRAME ASSEMBLY 107 Sand a 2 50 8mm wide flat at the trailing edge and leading edge in the center of the wing This ...

Page 19: ...p F 6 Slip a 1 32 8mm shim between the waxed paper and F 6 to position F 6T properly replace the wing then glue F 6T onto the trailing edge of the wing You should now be able to remove and insert the wing without difficulty 115 Glue a 3 16 x1 4 4 8x6 4mm balsa shim on the wing bolt platform W 13 sand a slight flat on the bottom as shown on cross section W 1 on the plans then glue this to the wing ...

Page 20: ...selage over F 4 up to F 3T This completes the basic shaping of the wing and fuselage joint and now it is time to add the nacelles 126 Install the servo wires for the speed controls and aileron servos at this time You will need two 12 extensions for the speed controls and two for the aileron servos Tie the plugs together in the center of the wing at the ends of a 6 piece of string to make sure you ...

Page 21: ...ator Cut the seven 1 x3 4 SIG Easy Hinges in half lengthwise giving you 14 hinges measuring 1 2 x3 4 Make sure each hinge fits correctly but do not glue the hinges yet Use four here and set the rest aside for later Installing Easy Hinges SIG s famous Easy Hinges have been included in your kit to hinge all of the control surfaces Each ultra thin hinge is actually a three part laminate a tough plast...

Page 22: ...shrod is now made Remove the mounting flange from the aileron interplane horn and drill two 3 64 1 2mm holes as shown Make two right angle bends on one end of a 1 32 x24 0 8x610mm music wire pushrod as shown Insert this wire into the two holes that were drilled with the long end of the wire in the hole farthest from the preformed end Bend the long end 90 deg towards the front and the short end to ...

Page 23: of the firewall Draw two lines through the center of this hole one horizontal and one vertical 145 Remove a plywood cowl ring from sheet 11 and use it as a template to mark the location for the cowl hold down screws on the horizontal line after centering the ring from side to side 146 If you are going to use the included motor mount you will also want to locate it s mounting screws on the verti...

Page 24: ...cockpit floor and sides with colored construction paper to give the illusion of depth in this area 155 Tape a piece of wax paper over the top of the fuselage so it covers up where you don t want the canopy to stick Set the canopy in position and lightly mark where it crosses the hatch part line at the rear Remove the canopy and apply a very small bead of epoxy on the inside of the edge from the fr...

Page 25: ...he end hole of the control horn check to make sure the ailerons move the right way and adjust for neutral 164 Install the motors on the mounts and the mounts on the firewalls and wire them up as required With brushless motors a speed control is needed for each motor To keep the wires between the ESC s and the motors as short as possible mount the ESC s out in the nacelles behind the motors This al...

Page 26: ...ty Tip For safety and convenience we like to install a master switch in the battery harness between the drive batteries and the ESC s This must be accessible from the outside of the airplane to be effective Control Throws Mount the wing to the fuselage with all connectors plugged into the receiver and battery harness Check to make sure all wiring is inside the fuselage and not caught between the w...

Page 27: ...r trims to achieve straight and level flight at about the 2 3 s throttle setting Once the model is trimmed to your satisfaction you can begin to explore it s flight envelope One of the first things that we always like to check out on any new model is the stall characteristic At altitude hold the model in a level upwind heading and begin throttling back the motors while gradually adding up elevator...

Page 28: ...erious bodily harm and property damage if they crash IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY AND YOURS ALONE to assemble this model airplane correctly according to the plans and instructions to ground test the finished model before each flight to make sure it is completely airworthy and to always fly your model in a safe location and in a safe manner The first test flights should only be made by an experienced ...
