Balsa Sticks and Sheets
5 1/16"x3"x36" Balsa sheets for
wing sheeting
4 1/16"x2"x36" Balsa sheets for wing
2 1/32"x3"x18" Balsa sheet for
stabilizer sheeting
2 1/16"x3/16"x36" Balsa sticks
for cap strips
2 1/4"x1/2"x24" Shaped balsa
leading edge
1 3/32"x1"x36" Balsa for fuselage
2 3/32"x1/4"x36" Balsa stabilizer
2 1/8"x1/4"x36" Balsa for
assorted parts
2 1/4"x1/4"x36" Balsa for
assorted parts
1 5/16"x1-1/4"x24" Balsa tapered
trailing edge for ailerons
3 1/4"x1-3/4"x1-1/2" Balsa for
top front nose block
1 1-3/4"x1-3/4"x1" Balsa for
nose block
1 3/4"x1-3/4"x1-1/4" Balsa for
tail block
Laser Cut Balsa
2 1/16"x3"x24" Sheet #1 wing
1 1/16"x3"x24 Sheet #2 assorted
1 3/32"x4"x36" Sheet #3 fuselage
2 3/32"x3"x36" Sheet #4
fuselage sides
1 1/8"x3x36" Sheet #5 fuselage
1 1/8"x3"x24" Sheet #6 fuselage parts 1 1/8"x3"x24" Sheet #7 assorted
1 1/8"x4"x24" Sheet #8 nacelle
1 1/8"x4"x24" Sheet #9 nacelle
Laser Cut Plywood - Lite Ply
1 1/8"x4"x24" Sheet #10
assorted parts
1 1/8"x6"x16" Sheet #11 assorted
Hardwood Parts
6 1/8"x3/16"x24" Spruce wing
spars and doublers
1 1/8" dia.x4" Dowel for hatch hold
1 3/16" dia.x2" Dowel for wing
hold down
Wire Parts
2 1/32"x36" Music wire for
1 1/16"x3-1/2" Music wire for control
1 .027"x6" Steel cable for rudder
1 30" #20 wire Red electrical
cable for motor wiring
1 30" #20 wire Black electrical
cable for motor wiring
1 1/16" I.D. wheel collar Elevator
5 4-40x3/8" headless setscrew
Elevator horn & pushrod connectors
1 4-40 metal threaded RC link
Elevator horn
1 10-32 blind nut Wing hold down
16 #2x7/16" sheet metal screws,
socket head w/washer
2 2-56 metal threaded RC links
Aileron linkage
2 2-56 threaded steel rods
Aileron linkage
4 Pushrod connectors Control hook
Miscellaneous Parts
1 1"x24" glass tape Wing center
1 Aileron interconnect horn Elevator
1 Small control horn - right
Aileron linkage
1 Small control horn - left Aileron
2 1/8"x24" Nylon tubes Pushrod
1 10-32x1" Nylon bolt Wing hold down 7 Easy-hinges Control surfaces
1 3/32" O.D.x1-1/2" Brass tube
Solder couplings
2 Plastic cowls Vacuum formed
1 Clear canopy Vacuum formed
1 SIGDKM299 Decal sheet
1 SIGRPIP299 Instrument Panel
1 Full sized plan
1 Assembly Manual
Key To Laser-Cut Parts
Use a pencil to identify each of the kit parts according to the following diagrams.
Note: When it is time to remove a part from its sheet, use a sharp #11 blade to slice through the small bridges that hold the part
to the sheet. Do not try to push the parts out of the sheet without first cutting through the bridges. Doing so may cause damage
to the part.
Construction Overview
Since the Do-217 kit is a somewhat more complex airplane, compared to typical sport models, the building sequence presented
in this manual should help to have the right part at the right time and cut down the time waiting for things to cure. Sort the sheet
wood and spars into separate stacks for the right and left wing, stabilizers, nacelles, and fuselage. Doing this ahead of time
helps to prevent using a piece of wood in the wrong place and then looking for it later when it is called for. To ease construction
where parts are to bend, some of the parts need to be preformed. This is easy to do but takes some time. These instructions will
tell you when to do this.