The nacelles are built similar to the fuselage and you can use them to master the shaping technique that will be used on the
fuselage later.
Taper the last 3/8" (9.5mm) of the inside rear of each nacelle side.
Insert N-1 and N-2 between a right and left side and use a rubber band to hold
then together.
Place this assembly on a flat surface with N-1 facing down. If you are using CA
glue this should be done on a piece of wax paper. Square the sides to the work
surface and glue this assembly together.
Insert N-3 into the proper slots on the inside of the nacelle sides, pull the rear of
the sides together, and glue them together.
Center the wide end of N-6 on the bottom flat of N-1 so that it overhangs the front about 1/16" (1.5 mm), align the rear of F-
6 with the rear of the nacelle and glue into position.
To add the N-5 bottom corner pieces, it is now necessary to bevel the edges of
the sides and bottom to match the angles on the bottom of the bulkheads as
Glue the preformed N-5's to the bottom corners of the nacelle.
Round off the bottom of the nacelle now by first sanding the edges of the N-5
down flush with the sides and bottom. Now round off the remaining corners to
obtain a well-rounded shape. The tops of the nacelles will be finished off after they
are mounted on the wing.
Repeat these steps for the remaining nacelle.
NOTE: Now is the time to decide if you want to install landing gear. If you choose this option, refer to the optional landing
gear drawing below. If you choose to build this model without the optional landing gear, proceed to next step.