Programming via Rockwell controller
9.5 Programming add-on instructions
Configuration Manual, 03/2018, C79000-G8976-C386-06
General sequence when calling the blocks
The general sequence when calling a block with Rockwell controllers is identical to the
general sequence when calling a block with S7 controllers. For a description of the general
sequence, refer to the section "General structure of the function blocks (Page 115)".
Programming add-on instructions
Basic blocks
With the aid of the "Param_RF68xR" block, the configuration data is sent to the Ident
system. In addition to this, the block resets the required start values of the "HW_CONNECT"
variables for the 4 reader channels (read points). Note that this block always needs to be
executed first before other blocks can be executed. The block must be executed each time
the controller or reader is restarted.
Figure 9-2
"Param_RF68xR" block
The input parameter "LARGE_CONNECTION" is supported only by ControlLogix controllers
as of version "5.0". You also require the Logix Designer as of version "21.00.00" and the
RSLogix 5000 software as of version "20.00.00".
If the parameter is set (value = "true" or "1"), the maximum frame length is increased from
240 bytes to 1035 bytes. If the parameter is enabled, you must also enable the options
"Connected" and "Large Connection" in the parameters "MSG_READ" and "MSG_WRITE" of
the message variables.