Configuration Manual, 03/2018, C79000-G8976-C386-06
Configuration via STEP 7 (PROFINET device)
This section is intended only for S7 users (RF680R/RF685R).
Description of the Ident profile or the Ident blocks in the TIA Portal as of V14 SP1
You can find the new features of the Ident profile or Ident blocks (library version as of V5.0)
in conjunction with the technology object "SIMATIC Ident" described in the TIA Portal help.
→ TIA Portal help, search for: Technology object "SIMATIC Ident"
Configuration of the readers using STEP 7 for PROFIBUS operation
You will find information on configuring the communications module you are using for
PROFIBUS operation in the manual of the relevant communications module.
Linking readers into STEP 7 (Basic / Professional)
Note that the RF680R/RF685R readers are only included in the TIA Portal as of STEP 7
Basic/Professional version V14. With older versions, the readers must later be linked into
TIA using an HSP or GSDML file. Using the GSDML file, you can also link the reader into
STEP 7 Classic or third-party systems.
You can find the current GSDML file on the reader and in the Siemens Industry Online
Support (
) pages on the
Internet. Follow the instructions given there to integrate the HSP/GSDML file into your
You will find further information on downloading the GSDML file in the section "The "System"
Creating a STEP 7 project (Basic / Professional)
The RF680R/RF685R readers can be linked into SIMATIC automation systems using STEP
7 Basic / Professional as of V13 (TIA Portal). The connection is via PROFINET. Following
this, you can configure the reader using the WBM while you control the work with the reader
using the Ident library of the TIA Portal.