Access right, 28, 31, 32, 56
ActiveX controls, 73
Alarm Logging, 83
ANSI-C, 217
Performance, 217
ApDiag, 163, 164
Diagnostics, 165, 167, 168, 169, 172, 175
Diagnostics level, 167, 185, 188
Diagnostics tag, 175
Info, 166, 177, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185
Menu bar, 165
Output, 166, 176, 177
Output window, 186
Profile, 172
System messages, 189
Text file, 169
Trace points, 167, 185, 188
Archive, 213
Quantity structure, 213
Archive configuration, 74
Archive system, 71
Archive tag, 74
Archiving, 213
Quantity structure, 213
Area names in distributed systems, 83
Automation License Manager, 194
Migration to Process Historian, 136
Channel, 218
Quantity structure, 218
Client, 147, 210
Migration, 147
Number of servers, 210
Operating system, 19
Remote access, 71, 78
Cluster, 63
Color palette, 61
Changing, 61
Communication, 218
Quantity structure, 218
Communication drivers, 8, 19
Communication process, 77
Diagnostics data, 77
Compatibility, 54
Component, 8, 36, 41
Communication drivers, 8
Components supplied, 8
Connection interruption, 63
Converting project data, 136
Customer support, (See support)
DCF file
Create, 71
DCOM configuration, 61
Demo Mode, 11
DHCP server, 63
ApDiag, (See ApDiag)
Diagnostics, 162
Migration, 162
Disabling shortcut keys, 59
Domain, 19
Domain-global user group, 31
Domains, 19
Unsigned, 33
Energy-saving mode, 63
Network adapter, 63
Error report, (See support)
Event display, 46
External application, 54
External applications, 52
FAQ, (See support)
Unsigned, 33
File sharing, 28, 56
Firewall, 63
Folder, 28, 56
Released folders, 28, 56
WinCC: General information and installation
System Manual, 02/2017, A5E40840020-AA