One transaction is established e.g. for every event-controlled action, for every picture window,
which contains at least one cyclic action, and for global scripts.
1.Applikation: GSC_RT Count of Transactions 1
2.Applikation: ITLG-RT Count of Transactions 0
3.Applikation: PDLRuntimeSystem Count of Transactions 7
4.Applikation: APDiagnose Count of Transactions 0
Count of Actions of each Transaction
Menu command "Count of Actions of each Transaction" lists the number of actions contained
in the transactions.
The output is in the following form:
● Name of the Application
● Number of the Transaction
● Number of Actions
At the end of the list, the total sum of actions is output.
Info to Transaktions: Count of Action in Transaction
1.Applikation: GSC_RT Count of Actions in TransAction(0): 15
3.Applikation: PDLRuntimeSystem Count of Actions in TransAction(7): 1
3.Applikation: PDLRuntimeSystem Count of Actions in TransAction(6): 1
3.Applikation: PDLRuntimeSystem Count of Actions in TransAction(5): 1
3.Applikation: PDLRuntimeSystem Count of Actions in TransAction(3): 1
3.Applikation: PDLRuntimeSystem Count of Actions in TransAction(2): 1
3.Applikation: PDLRuntimeSystem Count of Actions in TransAction(0): 19
3.Applikation: PDLRuntimeSystem Count of Actions in TransAction(1): 1
Info to Transaktions: Count of Action in Transaction 40
WinCC diagnosis
6.3 ApDiag Menu Commands
WinCC: General information and installation
System Manual, 02/2017, A5E40840020-AA