Notes on Microsoft SQL server
Error accessing the SQL master database after switching off the server while the system is running
If a server fails unexpectedly in runtime (power failure, disconnection of power plug), the
WinCC installation may be corrupted as a result and the SQL server will no longer be able to
access the SQL master database following a restart. Access is only possible after reinstalling
the WinCC instance.
In order to reinstall the WinCC instance, both WinCC and the SQL server must be removed
and installed again.
Improved access protection for the WinCC databases
For the purposes of improved access protection, the user names "WinCCAdmin" and
"WinCCConnect" have been removed from the WinCC database. Access to the WinCC
database is no longer possible using these user names. Applications which use their own SQL
user names with password are not affected.
The user "SA" (system administrator) of the SQL server is deactivated during installation.
Manual detachment of WinCC project databases
A system property in Microsoft SQL server can bring about changes to the NTFS authorizations
when you detach the WinCC project database.
If a WinCC database remains attached after you have closed a WinCC project or if you have
manually attached the WinCC database, you always need to use the CCCleaner to detach the
database. The "CCCleaner" program is located in the "bin" folder of the WinCC installation
directory and must be started as administrator.
Network Technology and UPS
Information on networks
WinCC only supports the TCP/IP network protocol on the terminal
Operation on network servers
It is not permitted to operate WinCC on network servers (e.g. domain controllers, file and name
utility servers, routers, software firewalls, media servers, exchange servers, etc.).
Operation on systems with Windows cluster technology
WinCC cannot be used on systems implementing Windows cluster technology.
WinCC Release Notes
2.2 Notes on operation
WinCC: General information and installation
System Manual, 02/2017, A5E40840020-AA