● Stop
Click the button in this column to stop recording the wanted signal prematurely. If the
specified number of measurements has been made, recording of the user data signal stops
● Displayed Samples
Select how many measurements will be shown in the graphic.
Notes on usage
Note the following tips that will help you to obtain useful measurements with the signal recorder:
● Set a fixed data rate on the access point.
● If you have activated iPCF, set as low a cycle time on the access point as possible for the
● Make sure that there is enough data communication during the measurement because the
statistics functions evaluate incoming data frames.
● The measurement path should be traveled 2 to 3 times with the same parameters to find out
whether loss of the user data signal always occurs at the same position.
● Selective measurements at a fixed position should be made over a longer period of time.
1. Enter the time interval between two measurements.
2. In "Samples" enter the number of measurements.
3. In "Displayed Samples" select how many measurements will be shown in the graphic.
4. Click the "Start" button.
The status (to the right of the graphic) indicates whether the signal recorder is running. The
first measured value is displayed only after the set time interval has elapsed.
5. To stop the recording, click the "Stop" button.
6. Change to one of the following menu items to call up the result of the recording:
– System > Load&Save > HTTP
Click the "Save" button in the "WLANSigRec" table row to save the file
"signal_recorder_SCALANCE_W700.zip" in the file system of the connected PC.
– System > Load&Save > TFTP
If necessary, change the file name "signal_recorder_SCALANCE_W700.zip" in the
"WLANSigRec" table row. In the table row "WLANSigRec", select the "Save file" entry
from the drop-down list of the last column and click the "Save Values" button.
7. The ZIP file contains two files with the results of the recording:
– A PDF file: The output is limited to 300 pages.
– A CSV file: Complete listing of the recording.
Measurement results
PDF file
Configuring with Web Based Management
6.6 "Interfaces" menu
SCALANCE W1780/W1740 according to IEEE 802.11ac Web Based Management
Configuration Manual, 11/2019, C79000-G8976-C485-03