15 | 173
Table 67: PTO2008-A1 'PACE-Bus' (RS485) connector - 'X2' ............................. 110
Table 68: PTO2008-A1 analog audio input connector - 'X3' ................................. 110
Table 69: PTO2008-A1 analog audio output connector - 'X4' ............................... 110
Table 70: PTO2008-A1 call station connectors - 'X5' and 'RJ1' ............................ 111
Table 71: PTO2008-A1 call station connectors - 'RJ2' and 'RJ3' .......................... 111
Table 72: PCIO2001-A1 set the RS485 address with ID jumper .......................... 113
Table 73: PCIO2001-A1 function settings with ID jumper ..................................... 113
Table 74: PCIO2001-A1 DC 24 V power supply connectors - 'X1' and 'X6' ......... 113
Table 75: PCIO2001-A1 'PACE-Bus' (RS485) connector - 'X5' ............................ 114
Table 76: PCIO2001-A1 logic control inputs connector - 'X7' ............................... 115
Table 77: PCIO2001-A1 logic control inputs connector - 'X8' ............................... 115
Table 78: PCIO2001-A1 analog control inputs connector - 'X9' ............................ 116
Table 79: PCIO2001-A1 logic control outputs connector - 'X3' ............................. 117
Table 80: PCIO2001-A1 logic control outputs connector - 'X4' ............................. 117
Table 81: PCIO2002-A1 set the RS485 address with ID switches ....................... 118
Table 82: PCIO2002-A1 DC 24 V power supply connector - 'X1' ......................... 119
Table 83: PCIO2002-A1 'PACE-Bus' (RS485) connector - 'X6' ............................ 119
Table 84: PCIO2002-A1 logic control inputs connector - 'X3' ............................... 119
Table 85: PCIO2002-A1 logic control inputs connector - 'X4' ............................... 120
Table 86: PCIO2002-A1 analog control inputs connector - 'X5' ............................ 120
Table 87: PCIO2002-A1 relay output connectors pole 1 - 'X1.1' to 'X8.1' ............. 121
Table 88: PCIO2002-A1 relay output connectors pole 2 - 'X1.2' to 'X8.2' ............. 121
Table 89: PCO2002-A1 set the RS485 address with ID switches ........................ 122
Table 90: PCO2002-A1 DC 24 V power supply connector - 'X1' .......................... 123
Table 91: PCO2002-A1 'PACE-Bus' (RS485) connector - 'X6' ............................. 123
Table 92: PCO2002-A1 relay output connectors pole 1 - 'X1.1' to 'X8.1' .............. 123
Table 93: PCO2002-A1 relay output connectors pole 2 - 'X1.2' to 'X8.2' .............. 123
Table 94: PCO2003-A1 relay output connectors pole 1 - 'X9.1' to 'X16.1' ............ 124
Table 95: PCO2003-A1 relay output connectors pole 2 - 'X9.2' to 'X16.2' ............ 124
Table 96: PT2001-A1 DC 24 V power connector - 'CN2' ...................................... 126
Table 97: PT2001-A1 analog audio input 1 and 2 connector - 'CN1' .................... 128
Table 98: PT2001-A1 analog audio output 1 and 2 connector - 'CN5' .................. 128
Table 99: PT2001-A1 logic control inputs connector - 'CN7'................................. 128
Table 100: PT2001-A1 logic control outputs connector - 'CN3' ............................ 129
Table 101: PT2001-A1 analog control inputs connector - 'CN1' ........................... 130
Table 102: PT2001-A1 'PACE-Bus' (RS232) connector - 'CN4' ........................... 131