Regular thorough checks
At regular intervals the user must demonstrate that the measures taken still fulfill
the protective purpose, and that the protective device still functions correctly in the
application during the service life.
Thorough checks and tests are required in this regard:
Upon commissioning (e.g., initial commissioning, recommissioning)
After changes and extraordinary events (e.g., conversion, change of parameters,
modification, retrofitting and equipment, damage, repair, ...)
At regular intervals (e.g., recurring thorough checks intended to ensure that a
safety-related function and/or safety function still functions correctly in the appli‐
These thorough checks must be documented clearly and comprehensibly.
Determination of the time intervals for thorough checks at regular intervals must be
decided and established by the manufacturer of the machine and/or by the operating
entity depending on the specific application, place of application and influencing fac‐
tors prevailing there. (e.g., dirt, demand rate, EMC, …).
8027663//2022-08-04 | SICK
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | DT35S
Subject to change without notice