8014753/ZVZ7/2018-03-22 • © SICK AG • Subject to change without notice 69
Operating instructions Distance measuring device DL100 Pro – RS-422
RS-422 interface
10 RS-422 interface
10.1 Basics
The serial interface RS-422 of the distance measuring device can be
used to read the measured data and defined operating data and change
parameters. All data are transferred as ASCII characters.
Measured data like distance or combined distance/speed values and
operating data like internal temperatures are transmitted on request.
Distance values and combined distance and speed values can be
transmitted in a continuous data flow.
Factory settings
For factory settings of the RS-422-interface, see page 44, Table 10 or
10.2 Protocol types
Depending on the protocol type selected, the distance measuring device
transfers measured values as displayed below:
Protocol type
Protocol setup
on request
<[sign]><7*[0...9]> <CR><LF>
<[sign]><7*[0...9]> <CR><LF>
<[sign]><7*[0...9]> <CR><LF>
on request
Sign: Prefix (+ or -)
7*[0...9]: Seven numeric characters from 0 to 9
CR: carriage return (0x0D)
LF: line feed (0x0A)
STX: start of text (0x02)
ETX: end of text (0x03)
Table 47: Protocol type overview