Aoralscan 3_Manual_V1.0.0.30 - 13 -
The radiation characteristics of the scanner are suitable for industrial and hospital use.
(CISPR 11 Class A). If the Aoralscan system is used in a residential environment (CISPR 11 Class B),
it may not adequately protect RF communications.
EMC Notice
Aoralscan 3 meets the EMC requirements.
Users should install and use the emc information provided in the random file.
Aoralscan 3 might affect the performance of a portable or mobile RF communication
device. Avoid strong ELECTROMAGNETIC interference when using a scanner, such as
near a mobile phone or microwave oven.
The guidance and manufacturer's statement are shown in the attached table.
Aoralscan 3 should not be used in proximity or on top of other devices. If it must be,
observe to verify that it works properly in the configuration in which it is used.
This device is not intended for use in residential environments, which may not provide
adequate protection for radio reception.
With the exception of cables sold by the manufacturer of Aoralscan 3 as spare parts for
internal components, the use of accessories and cables other than those specified may
result in an increase in transmission power or a decrease in immunity of Aoralscan 3.
Electromagnetic Emissions
Medical electrical equipment such as the
Aoralscan 3
requires special precautions regarding
electromagnetic compatibility, and must be installed and put into service according to the
following electromagnetic tables.
Aoralscan 3
is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The
customer or user of the
Aoralscan 3
should assure that it is used in such an environment.
Guidance and Manufacturer's Statement - Electromagnetic emission
Aoralscan 3 is intended to be used in the following electromagnetic environment. The purchaser or
user of Aoralscan 3 should ensure that it is used in this electromagnetic environment:
Emission Measurement
Electromagnetic Environment - Guidelines