4. Parameter description
• If the set value of P.62 or P.63 is 9999, the zero current detection is disabled.
Note: In this paragraph OMD is one of the function names of ‘multi-function output terminal’. Please refer to P.40
for function selection and features, and section 2-5 for wiring.
4.29 Retry (P.65, P.67, P.68, P.69)
P.65 “Retry selection”
P.67 “Number of retries at alarm occurrence”
P.68 “Retry waiting time”
P.69 “Retry accumulation time at alarm”
● When an alarm occurs, the previous states before the alarm will be restored automatically. The
phenomenon is called ‘retry’.
The Retry of the inverter is the conditional execution
. For example, the first alarm occurs and the retry
has been executed. Unfortunately, a second alarm occurs successively within P.68*5 seconds. Such
a case is defined as ‘continuous alarms’. In case the continuous alarms occur for more times than
the pre-defined upper limit, a great malfunction is indicated, thus special measures should be taken
manually. At this time, the retry will not be executed any more. The number of pre-defined times is
called ‘number of retries at alarm occurrence (P.67)’.
● If the alarm doesn’t belong to ‘Continuous alarm’, the inverter can perform unlimited number of
times reset.
● The period from the moment of alarm to that of retry is defined ‘retry waiting time’.
Parameter Factory setting
Setting range
• When P.65=0, retry is invalid. When alarm occurs, the voltage output is stopped, the ‘Alarm’ lamp
is lit, and all the inverter functions are disabled.
• When P.65=1, in case ‘over-voltage between P-N’ occurs, the voltage output is stopped. After a
period of waiting time (the set value of P.68), the retry is executed.