To set the curtain:
1. Lift the curtain onto the J-clips
so that it unrolls from the
2. Remove the nut from the
center stud.
3. Lift the top bar of the curtain
to unroll it up into the housing
far enough to fit its center hole
over the center stud and
reattach the nut.
4. Grab the magnets on each
side near the top bar and pull
sideways until the curtain is
The curtain should overlap the
rails (or side of the elevator
frame in some installations)
by ¼” on each side.
Attach the threshold cables:
1. Release the zip tie from the length of cable
wound up on each side of the housing.
2. Unwind enough cable to reach the threshold
3. Work the cable through the slots in the spools
and pull the cable up, lodging the crimp bead
snugly in the holes.
4. Wrap cable 3 times around the threshold
spools, over the top toward the wall, as
center stud