History menu
The History page displays a list of up to nine of the most recently viewed
Browser pages. The currently viewed page is highlighted. To revisit a page
listed in the History, select it and then press the Left context key.
If more than nine pages have been viewed, the list of all pages in the History
is stored and may be accessed by selecting the ‘More…’ option. Press the Left
context key, or the star (*) or hash (#) key, to open the ‘More’ page(s).
Exit history
Select this option to exit History and resume browsing at the page which was
selected when the History Menu was chosen.
Show URL
Select this option to display the currently selected URL.
Select this option to delete the history.
Using bookmarks
A bookmark consists an internet address, the book mark title, and access
point (and a user name and password if required by the web page).
Bookmarks can be organised into folders to make it easier for you to find your
favourite bookmarks or those of similar topics.
Any saved bookmarks and bookmark folders are listed and can be opened by
either pressing the keypad key corresponding to the number of the bookmark
or folder, or by selecting it and pressing
New bookmarks and folders
If you have no saved bookmarks or folders, the screen displays the message
No saved bookmarks
'. You can create up to 100 bookmarks and up to 10 folders
(a single folder can contain 100 bookmarks).
Bookmarks > Menu
to create your bookmarks.
SC20 series – 04/2016