Updating the firmware
Page 72
FP400 Product Guide
use a hard, blunt tool (e.g., a screwdriver) to simulate a series of cut intrusions by tapping
the fence and verify that alarms are declared each time
climb on the fence (do not climb over the fence) at several locations and verify that alarms
are declared each time
Check the system status via the UCM software (see
The Universal Configuration Module on
Check the electronic equipment and connections (quarterly).
Verify that all system connections are properly seated and secure. Ensure that all cables are
properly organized and are not exposed to potential damage. Verify that there is adequate
clearance for ventilation.
Battery test (once per year)
If your FP400 system includes battery back-up, disconnect the power to the components and
allow the system to run on battery power until the battery runs down and the system shuts
down. Note the duration of the battery run-time, and replace the battery when the run-time no
longer meets the specification.
Updating the firmware
To update the processor’s firmware, begin by establishing a UCM connection.
DO NOT disconnect the SC/APC connectors after they are installed. Any
dust or contamination will compromise system operation.
Figure 71: Updating the FP400 firmware
In the Program field, select the Application button.
Select the Browse button, then navigate
to the location of the .XDU file.
To keep the processor’s current calibration data
Once the programming is
complete, select Close.
Wait while the UCM downloads
the .XDU file to the processor.
Select abort to cancel the update.
select the Current Active radio button Select the
.XDU file, and then select the Program button.