Site survey
FP400 Product Guide
Page 19
Lightning protection
Silver Network based FP400 sensors using IP-based communications sometimes include outdoor
runs of Ethernet cable. In some cases, it is desirable to add external surge protectors to the comm
link for lightning protection. The following surge protectors have been tested and approved for use
with Senstar IP-based sensors.
illustrates the connection details.
L-Com AL-CAT6HPJW (weather resistant)
Laird ESP-100-POE
Site survey
The first step in installing a Senstar FP400 fence protection system is to conduct a detailed site
survey. The survey assesses the site conditions to determine the specific installation requirements
including the fence type, fence condition, fence length, zone layouts, sensor cable route, non-
detecting lead-in cable length, length of sensor cable required to cover the perimeter, and the
location for the processor.
Create a scale drawing of the site (e.g., CAD drawings), which indicates the locations of:
head end equipment - FP400 processor, power supply and SMS
fences (include type, length and condition)
gates (include type and size)
buildings and other structures
roads, driveways, sidewalks, paths, parking areas
trees, bushes, dense vegetation (near perimeter)
non-detecting lead-in cable
detecting sensor cable
other existing or planned security equipment (e.g., CCTV cameras, security lighting, etc.)
Figure 14 Fiber drop point
PTZ camera
end module
start module
lead-in cable to processor