3-System Setup Parameters
X Lines Only
Set up a first-quadrant XY grid. Data lines run in the X direction, distance increasing from the Y axis
baseline. Line numbers increase in the positive Y direction (see Figure 3-9). Lines must be equally
spaced. It is not critical that all the lines are the same length. However, it does make processing easier if
all the lines start at the same baseline position (usually defined as zero (0.0)).
Figure 3-9: The line configuration for lines collected in X Lines Only mode. The convention is that X lines are parallel to the X
axis. For seamless integration into data processing software like EKKO_Mapper, note that the lines are assumed to be collected
with X positions increasing as the line moves away from the Y baseline. Line numbers start at line 0 and increment as the lines
move away from the X axis. The Line Spacing distance needs to be specified in the grid settings and lines should be equally spaced.