3-System Setup Parameters
3.4.4 Data Directory Number
This option is used to determine the directory that the data files will be saved to. The idea is that related
data files are saved in the same directory.
The Data Directory Number can be changed in this menu or under the Run pulseEKKO menu (Section 5.1:
The user has access to 20 different directories for data storage.
3.4.5 Survey Type
Ground penetrating radar has been used in many different survey modes to gather information. Three of
the more common modes are:
a) Reflection mode, which is by far the most common mode used to map underlying stratigraphy,
(See Figure 6-1 on page 82).
b) CMP (Common Mid Point) or WARR (Wide Angle Reflection and Refraction), useful in
deducing information on wave propagation velocity versus depth (Section 6.11: P91) and
c) Transillumination where the transmitting and receiving antennas are situated at opposite sides
of a partition to study the transmission properties of the dividing material (Section 6.12: P93).
The options available here are Trans., Trans - ZOP, Trans - MOG and Trans - VRP. Calibration
files are also related to Transillumination surveys.
3.4.6 GPR Grid Type
The grid parameter settings in the Survey Parameters menu allow the user to modify settings specific to
collecting data in organized grids. This includes the grid type and line spacing.
Data are normally collected on a grid if the user is interested in displaying the data as a 3D volume (using
the EKKO_3D software) or as a plan map (using the EKKO_Mapper software). Producing accurate 3D
volumes or plan maps is easier if the field survey is properly designed and data are collected correctly.
Positional accuracy of each line is vital if the user wants to be able to relocate targets of interest after the
data have been processed.
For linear targets like pipes and utilities, the best GPR response occurs when the GPR survey line crosses
the target at right angles. If possible, it is always best to run GPR survey lines perpendicular to the
direction of linear targets.
Sensors & Software’s EasyGrid makes laying out an accurate, square grid simple. Contact Sensors &
Software for more details.
The Grid Type determines the way that the area of the grid is to be covered by the survey lines. Survey
lines can be either a set of parallel lines in the X axis direction (Figure 3-9), a set of parallel lines in the Y
axis direction (Figure 3-10), or, for complete coverage, parallel lines in both the X and Y direction (Figure 3-