Network Redundancy
“Network Redundancy” is a functionality than can be enabled on Z-PASS devices when a 3G modem is
available (always true for Z-PASS2, true for Z-PASS1 when connected to Seneca Z-MODEM-3G modem).
This functionality is aimed at switching the network interface used to access the Internet from the Ethernet
(“primary” interface) to the Mobile/3G (“secondary” interface), when Internet access through the primary
interface becomes unavailable; when access through the primary interface become available again, the
network interface is switched back to Ethernet.
The parameters provided to configure Network Redundancy are explained in paragraph 18.2 “Network and
Remote Connection Disable
Z-PASS1-IO and Z-PASS2-IO products provide a dedicated digital input and a dedicated digital output to
control and monitor remote connection to the device.
In details:
when “Remote Connection Disable” digital input is set to HIGH state, remote connection to the
device is disabled; conversely, when “Remote Connection Disable” digital input is set to LOW state,
remote connection to the device is enabled; “Remote Connection Disable” digital input state is
reported by the “RCD” LED;
“Remote Connection Active” digital output is set to HIGH state when the device is remotely
accessed (VPN connection is active); it is set to LOW state when VPN connection is not active.
Four levels of security can be configured to disable remote connection, providing increasing security levels:
Level 0 (“None”): no remote connection service is disabled;