ProLogic L22
Operation Instructions
The display will read:
The lock will relock after 6 seconds.
Note: Time to relock is hard coded and cannot be changed.
2.2 Opening Lock with Time Delay Programmed
When Time Delay has been programmed, the user must enter a valid code.
Note: Users are defined as ID03- ID30
Wait through the preprogrammed time delay period, then enter the code again to open the lock safe, as
Step1: Enter a valid code
Note: ID00, ID01 and ID02 are Administrator users and will bypass Time Delay.
Step 2: Display will read “Time Delay Start”
Step 3: Display will flash on every 15 seconds, counting up until it reaches the preprogrammed
time delay value.
Note: Administrators can override Time Delay to open lock anytime.
Step 4: When Time Delay expires, the entrypad will beep twice then display: “Time Window
XX:00”, indicating the length of time the User has to enter a valid user code to gain entry.
The Counter will count down until the Time Window has expired. A user code is used to open
the lock.
Step 5: Enter a valid Code to open the lock.
2.3 Opening the Lock Under Duress