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P/N 595189-01 Rev A 4/10
Hansen is a registered trademark of Tuthill Corporation.
Foster is a registered trademark of Foster Manufacturing Co., Inc.
Schrader is a registered trademark of Scovill, Inc.
Cejn is a registered trademark of Cejn AB
Single Plug Version Dual Plug Version
figure 1
do noT uSe oTher hoSeS, couPlingS
or AdAPTerS To ATTAch incomPATible
comPonenTS To The reSPirATor. in-
comPATible comPonenTS mAy reduce
The AbiliTy of The reSPirATor To SuP-
Ply Air And mAy exPoSe The uSer To
The hAZArdouS ATmoSPhere Which
could reSulT in SeriouS inJury or
The uSer of ThiS reSPirATor mAy hAve
To diSconnecT The hoSe couPling
Suddenly And under STreSSful con-
diTionS. The uSer muST be Able To diS-
connecT The couPling under The con-
diTionS Which mAy be encounTered
during uSe, for exAmPle, WiThouT be-
ing Able To See The couPling, WiTh
gloveS on, WiTh one hAnd, eTc. fAil-
ure To AdeQuATely TrAin The uSer mAy
reSulT in SeriouS inJury or deATh.
The 30010-Series, 26370-Series, 200820-Series, and 803904-01 air
supply hoses may be interchanged to supply a single SKA-PAK AT
respirator, and, except for these, different types of supply hose may
NOT be mixed.
The 30010 series hose utilize a Hansen
brass disconnect coupling.
The 26370 series hose utilizes a stainless steel Foster
coupling. The 26369 series hose utilizes a stainless steel Hansen HK
disconnect coupling. The 30020 series hose utilizes a steel Schrader
disconnect coupling. The 805659 series hose utilizes a brass Cejn
disconnect coupling. One of these types of couplings is located on
the end of the airline connection hose and at the ends of each seg-
ment of air supply hose. Dual airline connection hoses terminate in
two couplings, both of which are of one of the above types.
The air supply hose segments must be directly coupled to the airline
connection hose at the waist belt of the respirator, to each other and
to the air supply system. Adapters shall not be used.
After determining which type of air supply hose and couplings are
used with your respirator, locate the appropriate section of Table 1 on
page 23 of this instruction sheet for detailed instructions on operating
the coupling and for limitations on air supply hose length and number
of segments allowed.
figure 2