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P/N 595189-01 Rev A 4/10
donning The reSPirATor hArneSS
conTinued on nexT PAge...
Adjust the shoulder strap tri-slide buckle so that it remains in place
on the right shoulder and holds the waist belt at waist level. Ensure
that the regulator hose is secured in the snap loop on the shoulder
pad. See FIGURE 16.
don The body hArneSS before don-
ning The necK STrAP AS inSTrucTed.
inTerference beTWeen The Shoulder
STrAP And The necK STrAP mAy in-
Terfere WiTh ProPer donning of The
fAcePiece in An emergency W h i c h
c o u l d r e S u l T i n S e r i o u S i n J u r y
or deATh.
figure 16
If any other safety equipment is to be used with the SKA-PAK AT,
such as fall protection equipment or communication equipment, verify
that the equipment does not interfere with the operation of the SKA-
PAK AT in any way. Verify that the SKA-PAK AT air lines are not
obstructed and that nothing will interfere with the face to facepiece
seal or dislodge the facepiece from the user's face in usage. If any
obstruction or interference is suspected, do not use the respirator
until the problem is corrected.
Position the required length of air supply hose and prepare it for
use by connecting the segments to each other and to the air supply
system. Adjust the pressure at the air supply system to the operating
pressure of the respirator. Repeat this step for each air supply hose
and each air supply system to be used.
Adjust all head straps to the full outward position. On respirators
equipped with a neck strap, place the body harness on the shoulder
before placing the neck strap around the neck. Position the facepiece
in a ready to don position using the Scott Neck Strap Assembly. See
do noT uSe Any oTher SAfeTy eQuiP-
menT WiTh The SKA-PAK AT Which in-
TerfereS WiTh The oPerATion of The
SKA-PAK AT or Which mAy cAuSe The
fAcePiece To be Pulled from The uS-
er’S fAce exPoSing The uSer To The
hAZArdouS ATmoSPhere The reSPirA-
Tor WAS inTended To ProTecT AgAinST.
fAilure To verify ThAT The SKA-PAK AT
Will oPerATe ProPerly mAy reSulT in
SeriouS inJury or deATh.
figure 15
Adjust the waist belt. Tighten or loosen the waist belt by sliding the
waist belt tri-slide buckle. See FIGURE 15.