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P/N 595189-01 Rev A 4/10
fAcePiece fiTTing And fiT TeSTing
A respirator Quantitative Fit Test must be performed to ensure the correct
respirator facepiece size has been selected and assigned to the user. It is
the responsibility of the Respiratory Protection Program Manager or Safety
Coordinator to assist the user in selecting the correct respirator size relative
to the user’s facial features and dimensions. Fit Testing must be performed
with any approved SCOTT accessories that will be used with the respirator
installed, such as a communications device installed on the facepiece.
Respirator fit tests are explained fully in the American National Standard
Practices for Respiratory Protection, ANSI Z88.10-2001 which is published
by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 11 West 42nd Street,
New York, New York, 10036, and in the Occupational Safety and Health
Standards, OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 Appendix A, which is published by the
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 200 Constitution
Avenue, NW, Washington DC, 20210.
Quantitative Fit Testing per OSHA Standard 29 CFR Part 1910.134 Appendix
A, or ANSI Standard Z88.10-2001 requires testing in the negative pressure
mode using equipment such as a Portacount
Respirator Fit Tester. For
Quantitative Fit Testing, SCOTT facepieces require use of the appropriate
negative pressure testing equipment such as the Portacount Respirator Fit
Tester along with the following:
• SCOTT 40mm facepiece Adapter, P/N 200423-01,
• a new SCOTT P100 Cartridge, P/N 052683,
• SCOTT Probed Fit Test Adapter P/N 805628-01 or equivalent probed
facepieces and the full range of sizes and styles
• Mask Seal Kit, P/N 805655-01
• the appropriate SCOTT communication device and mounting bracket
properly installed on the facepiece, if such an accessory will be used
with the respirator.
• any other optional hood, eyeglass, or other accessory that will be used
with the respirator.
The size and style facepiece must be selected based on the user’s mea-
sured face size. For initial fitting, carefully don the facepiece and conduct a
NEGATIVE PRESSURE LEAK TEST according to the instructions provided
with the 40mm Adapter. Refer to the DONNING PROCEDURE section of this
instruction for the procedure. Follow the DONNING PROCEDURE
. If the selected facepiece does not pass the NEGATIVE PRESSURE
LEAK TEST or does not fit securely without movement in the chin or chin
cup area or the user experiences discomfort in the chin or throat, try the
next nearest size, larger or smaller. After passing the NEGATIVE PRESSURE
LEAK TEST, the facepiece size selected must be verified by successfully
passing a respirator Quantitative Fit Test.
When fit testing for Open-Circuit, Pressure Demand Self-Contained Breath-
ing Apparatus and/or Type C Pressure-Demand Supplied Air Respirator
mode of operation (minimum Fit Factor equal to or greater than 500
minimum) appropriate negative pressure testing equipment must be used.
You should use a P100 Filter, SCOTT P/N 052683 and the SCOTT P/N
805628-01 Fit Test Adapter.
When using a Portacount Respirator Fit Tester for Quantitative Fit Test-
ing, TSI recommends that the level of particles in the ambient air must be
between 5000 and 30000 particles/cm3. Refer to the Portacount Respirator
Fit Tester user instructions for details including available Particle Genera-
tors to use with the Portacount Respirator Fit Tester if you have difficulty
achieving the minimum level of ambient particle count required.
Test subjects must be in good health at the time of the fit testing. Smoking
or eating less than 30 minutes prior to the test is prohibited. Any and all
conditions that might interfere with a good face to facepiece seal must be
addressed and corrected before performing the fit testing. Refer to the list
of conditions in the DONNING PROCEDURES section of this instruction.
fiT TeSTing in AccordAnce WiTh oShA
STAndArd 29 cfr PArT 1910 iS reQuired
AS PArT of The reQuired TrAining be-
fore uSe of ThiS reSPirATor. fAilure
To ProPerly fiT And TrAin The uSer
in uSe of The fAcePiece And reSPirA-
Tor mAy reSulT in exPoSure To The
hAZArdouS ATmoSPhere Which could
leAd To SeriouS inJury or deATh.
The uSer muST be ProPerly fiTTed
uSing A reSPirATor QuAnTiTATive fiT
TeST before uSe And folloW All
WArningS And SPeciAl or criTicAl
uSer’S inSTrucTionS SPecified dur-
ing uSe. fAilure To do So mAy reSulT
in SeriouS inJury or deATh.
reSPirATorS ShAll noT be Worn When
condiTionS PrevenT A good fAce
SeAl. Such condiTionS mAy include,
buT Are noT limiTed To, groWTh of
beArdS, SideburnS, fAciAl hAir or
loW hAirline ThAT croSSeS or in-
TerfereS WiTh The SeAling SurfAce,
ThicK or ProTruding hAirSTyleS Such
AS Pony TAilS or bunS ThAT inTerfere
WiTh The SmooTh And cloSe fiT of The
heAd hArneSS To The heAd, A SKull
cAP ThAT ProJecTS under The fAce-
Piece, TemPle PieceS on correcTive
eye glASSeS, exceSSive uSe of coS-
meTicS including moiSTuriZerS, mAKe-
uP, or AfTer ShAve, or AnyThing elSe
Which inTerfereS WiTh The fAce To
fAcePiece SeAl. AlSo, The AbSence of
one or boTh denTureS cAn SeriouSly
AffecT The fiT of A fAcePiece. uSe of
An imProPerly fiTTed fAcePiece mAy
leAd To exPoSure To The hAZArdouS
ATmoSPhere Which could reSulT in
SeriouS inJury or deATh.