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P/N 595189-01 Rev A 4/10
cerTAin environmenTS mAy reQuire
ThAT ProTecTive mATeriAl cover
Some or All of The reSPirATor in
AddiTion To covering The uSer. The
uSer muST be Able To AcceSS The
conTrolS of The reSPirATor AT All
TimeS. inAbiliTy To AcceSS conTrolS
of The reSPirATor When The reS-
PirATor iS needed for eScAPe mAy
reSulT in SeriouS inJury or deATh.
do noT uSe The Self-conTAined Air
SuPPly for Any PurPoSe oTher ThAn
emergency eScAPe. if The Self-con-
TAined Air SuPPly hAS been dePleTed,
There mAy be inSufficienT Air SuPPly
for eScAPe Which could reSulT in
SeriouS inJury or deATh.
if eiTher The vibrAlerT end of Ser-
vice Time indicATor or The elecTronic
AlArm AcTuATeS AT Any Time during
reSPirATor uSe, leAve The AreA re-
Quiring reSPirATory ProTecTion imme-
diATely. AcTuATion of The vibrAlerT
meAnS ThAT The Air SuPPly hoSe hAS
fAiled And iS no longer Providing The
neceSSAry PreSSure To oPerATe The
reSPirATor. AcTuATion of The elec-
Tronic AlArm meAnS ThAT The Air SuP-
Ply cylinder hAS been dePleTed To
90% (+/-5%) of full volume. in eiTher
cASe, fAilure To leAve The hAZArd-
ouS AreA immediATely mAy reSulT in
SeriouS inJury or deATh.
do noT oPerATe ThiS eQuiPmenT While
under The influence of drugS, Alco-
hol, or Any medicATionS or SubSTAnc-
eS Which mAy AffecT viSion, dexTeriTy,
or JudgmenT. uSerS of ThiS eQuiPmenT
muST be in good PhySicAl And menTAl
heAlTh in order To oPerATe SAfely.
do noT uSe ThiS eQuiPmenT When fA-
Tigue PrevenTS SAfe oPerATion. STAy
AlerT When oPerATing ThiS eQuiPmenT.
inATTenTion or cAreleSSneSS While
oPerATing ThiS eQuiPmenT mAy reSulT
in SeriouS inJury or deATh.
generAl deScriPTion
The Scott SKA-PAK AT respirator is approved by the National In-
stitute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) as a pressure-
demand, open circuit, combination self contained breathing apparatus
for escape and Type C supplied-air respirator. The SKA-PAK AT is
designed to provide respiratory protection during entry into, work in
and escape from an objectionable, oxygen deficient and/or unbreath-
able (toxic) atmosphere.
This respirator is to be used only by persons trained in the use of
the respirator and only in conjunction with an organized respiratory
protection program. This respirator is not to be used under water, for
interior structural fire fighting or for any other purpose not authorized
by the organized respiratory protection program that applies specifi-
cally to the user.
The SKA-PAK AT is referred to as a “combination SCBA/hoseline”
respirator because it operates as either a pressure-demand Type C
supplied-air respirator when using air from a remote air supply system
connected to the supply hose or as an escape only self-contained
breathing apparatus when using air from the cylinder on the waist
belt. The self-contained air supply may be used if the remote air sup-
ply system fails or when the air supply hose must be disconnected
from the respirator for emergency escape from the work area. The
SKA-PAK AT offers the additional advantage of an Automatic Transfer
pressure reducer which can detect an interruption in the supplied-
airline air pressure and automatically switch to the breathing cylinder
while warning the user through the VIBRALERT® end of service time
indicator in the facepiece mounted regulator.
The SKA-PAK AT is available in five configurations for use with
the following air supply cylinders: 2216 psi 3 minute, 3000 psi 5
minute, 10 minute and 15 minute, and 4500 psi 10 minute and 15
minute. These time durations represent NIOSH standards. Depend-
ing on activity and respiration rate, the actual duration may be much
less than the NIOSH rating. Refer to the NIOSH approval label for
the SKA-PAK AT, SCOTT P/N 595014-01, for the list of approved
component part numbers.
When used as a Type C supplied-air respirator, the SKA-PAK AT
must be supplied with clean, respirable air through the appropriate
air supply hose.
The respirator consists of an adjustable harness to support the
respirator on the body of the user, a cylinder and valve assembly
for storing compressed breathing air, an automatic transfer pres-
sure reducing regulator and coupling mounted on the cylinder
valve, a cylinder pressure gauge with an ELECTRONIC alarm, an
airline connection hose, one or more segments of air supply hose
to connect the respirator to an air supply system, a hose assembly
connecting the pressure reducer to the facepiece mounted pres-
sure demand breathing regulator with VIBRALERT®, and a full
facepiece assembly.
AuTo TrAnSfer