The CE command is available for polling the receiver to display the current Cor-
rected Error count, and for clearing or resetting the Corrected Error count. Observe
the following syntax.
polls the receiver for the current Corrected Error count.
clears or resets
the current Corrected Error count. The receiver responds by displaying the fol-
### (0 through 65536) is the number of Corrected (Viterbi) Errors counted since the
last reset. The Corrected Error count depends on the Signal Quality, and is auto-
matically reset each time the receiver is restarted. For information about signal
quality, see “Dish Pointing menu”.
The UE command is available for polling the receiver to display the current Uncor-
rected Error count, and for clearing or resetting the current Uncorrected Error
count. Observe the following syntax.
polls the receiver for the current Uncorrected Error count.
clears or resets
the current Uncorrected Error count. The receiver responds by displaying the fol-
### can be any number from 0 through 65536, and is the number of uncorrected
Viterbi errors counted since the last reset. The Uncorrected Error count depends on
the Signal Quality, and is automatically reset each time the receiver is restarted. For
information about signal quality, see “Dish Pointing menu”.
The OSE command is available for polling the receiver to display the network ad-
dress plus the installed software version for the External Security microprocessor
(Smart Card), including algorithm information. Observe the following syntax.
polls the receiver for network address and installed software version infor-
mation (External Security microprocessor and algorithm [Smart Card]). The re-
ceiver responds by displaying the following
OSE=###-###-####-#, V#.##(#) -
###-###-####-# is the network address, V#.## is the software version, (#) is the de-
cryption algorithm type, and “-“ is displayed only if the Smart Card is not in-
The AFC command is available for polling the receiver to display the current rela-
tive offset from the set center frequency of the decoded digital signal. Observe the
following syntax.
polls the receiver for the current relative offset from the set center frequency
(decoded digital signal), where ## can be any number from -99 t99. The
receiver responds by displaying the following.
The receiver automatically compensates for a +/- 2.5 MHz frequency offset which
is equivalent to an AFC value of approxi/- 12.