5.5 Panoramic Acquisition Control Properties
Please Note: Casual changes to the Acquisition Modules
section can adversely affect system performance. We do
not recommend making changes in this section unless
directed to do so by authorized support personnel.
Panoramic Device Driver Name
(Displays the name of the device driver,
iPan USB Interface, for the panoramic system)
Scan Direction
(Drop-down menu displays list of travel options for the
panoramic machine. Left to Right describes the movement of the imaging
Sensor from the left side of the patient to the right side. Right to Left
refers to the Sensor traveling from the right to the left side of the patient)
Image Width
(Numeric value for the number of rows in the panoramic
image. Also called LX)
Image Height
(Numeric value indicates the number of columns in the
panoramic image. Also called LY)
Initial Timeout
(Numeric value indicates the amount of time CDR will
wait for the panoramic machine to start motion when CDR is in
acquisition mode.)
Early Stop Timeout
(Numeric value indicates the maximum number of
seconds CDR can take to read a column of pixels before it times out.)
Retrieve Last Image from Sensor Memory
(When checked, the last
acquired image can be retrieved from the Sensor’s memory buffer into a
new or empty viewbox.)
Calibrate Image
(When checked, indicates that CDR loads the calibration
file for the connected panoramic Sensor.)
Equalize Image
(When checked, indicates that Equalize is applied
automatically each time a panoramic image is acquired.)
Apply Spot Remover
(When checked, indicates that Spot Remover is
applied automatically each time a panoramic image is acquired.)
Subtract Dark Image
(When checked, indicates that CDR applies
subtraction to eliminate the noise caused by dark signal in the Sensor)
Acquire 12 bit image
(When checked, indicates that the image is acquired
at a higher 12-bit depth)
Perform non-linear map
(When checked, specifies the type of mapping
used during calibration)
B1051601 Rev. –
iPan User Guide