No Require 2 or 5 Digit Supplements Require 2 or 5 Digit Supplements
Enable / Disable Country Code
System Code
Disable Country Code, Disable System Code Disable Country Code, Enable System Code
Enable Country Code, Enable System Code
Expanding Setting
“No Expanding ” is to keep the same code type and digits, no expansion.
“Expanding to UPC-A” is to expand the code digit but not change the code type.
“Expanding and Converted to be UPC-A” is to expand the code type and digits.
No Expanding Expanding to UPC-A
Expanding and Converted to be UPC-A
Enable/Disable Check Digit
Code UPC-E has 8 characters, the number 8 is check digit which use to make sure
the correctness of the all 8 characters.
Enable Check Digit Disable Check Digit