Saia-Burgess Controls AG
Manual for PCD7.L79xN room controllers
Document 27 / 602
N02 │ 2013-11-27
Functions, control
The controller works permanently in "Reduced" mode. Presence detection is
deactivated. This mode is suited e.g. to service activities where the room is
occupied but the system does not need to be switched on.
Detecting a presence
The PCD7.L792N/.L793N compact room controllers have a presence key.
The digital input "E2 Aux Input" can also be configured as an input for external pres
ence sensors.
Window contact
For room control to work, the window must be closed. The controller has a digital
input "E1 Window Contact". This contact polarity is configurable via the Config FBox
or in register 105.
(Where window closed: 0=contact closed, 1=contact open)
The digital input "E2 Aux Input" can also be configured as a second window contact in
the Config FBox or in register 10 = 1. This contact always works with "make contact"
polarity, i.e. when the window is closed, the contact must be closed.
With 2-tube change-over applications (see Config), the controller needs information
on whether heating or cooling mode is currently set. The controller can obtain this in-
formation via the S-Bus or the digital input E2. Where S-Bus is used, the information
is written to the Room FBox or register 38.