42. Cut the elevon control horn doubler from soft
balsa scrap and shape it so it fits into the
elevons on the inboard side of W3 and glue it
into place. Make sure it’s flush with the leading
edge of the elevon sheeting. Cut and glue the
1/2” x 1/4” balsa elevon spars to the wings and
elevons. (Photo 46)
43. Use a razor plane and sandpaper to shape
the elevon spars so they’re flush with the tops
and bottoms of the wings. (Photo 47)
44. Cut the elevon servo pockets out of the
bottom of the wings. If you’re using retracts,
cut the retract pockets out of the bottom of the
wings, too. (Photo 48)
Photo 46
Photo 47
Photo 48
Savage Light Industries
F-106 Delta Dart