136. The basic wing incidence is established by
the bottoms of the wing spars resting on the
top of K1. Because of cutting or assembly
errors, the wings may not have the exact same
incidence. Use a scrap piece of 1/8” balsa
square to measure the leading edge at the root
ribs of both wings to make sure they’re equal
to each other. The leading edge of the wing
should meet the fuselage at the spot just below
the lower corner of the inlet ducts. (Photo 151)
137. Use the 1/8” balsa square to measure the
trailing edges of the wings at the elevon spars.
(Photo 152)
138. Also measure the wing tips at the elevon
spars to make sure these are equal, too.
(Photo 153)
Photo 151
Photo 152
Photo 153
Savage Light Industries
F-106 Delta Dart