EQJW146F002 EN
System-wide functions
8.16 Locking manual level
To protect the heating system, this function can be used to lock the manual level. When this
function has been activated, automatic mode is started when the rotary switch is set to in au-
tomatic mode.
Lock manual level
CO5 > F21 - 1
8.17 Locking the rotary switch
When this function has been activated, the controller remains in automatic mode regardless
of the rotary switch position. The rotary switch can no longer be used to adjust the controller
settings. It is still possible to enter the key number.
Lock rotary switch
CO5 > F22 - 1
8.18 Feeder pump operation
In systems Anl 3.0 and 16.1, the feeder pump UP1 only starts to operate in the default set-
ting when a flow temperature demand of a secondary controller exists. If CO5 > F14 - 1 is
configured, this is also the case when the control circuit RK2 requires heat.
Operation UP1
CO5 > F14 - 1
8.19 External demand for heat due to insufficient heat supply
An external heat source can be demanded using the 0 to 10 V output. The function block for
a request for external demand CO1 > F18 - 1 is automatically set. The function block param-
eters allow the transmission range to be determined. When a system deviation in RK1 great-
er than 10 °C lasts longer than 30 minutes, a voltage signal corresponding to the actual de-
mand is issued. At the same time, the RK1 valve is forced to close. After 30 minutes, the ex-