EQJW146F002 EN
System-wide functions
ear reduction of the delivery rate based on the temperature at SF2 starts. If the temperature
at SF2 reaches the 'Stop' value to reduce the delivery rate, the charging pump runs again at
the minimum delivery rate. Following the lag time, the charging pump is finally deactivated
when the storage is fully charged.
Speed control of the
charging pump
40.0 °C
50.0 °C
20 %
CO1 > F21 - 1 or CO4 > F21 - 1
Start speed reduction - SF2 limit: 5.0 to 90.0 °C
Stop speed reduction - SF2 limit: 5.0 to 90.0 °C
Min. speed signal: 0 to 50 %
AA1 reverse
0 %
CO5 > F25 - 1
Zero: 0 to 50 %
8.11 External demand processing
The controller can process binary or analog requests for an externally required signal by a
more complex secondary system. A binary request can only be processed when the inputs
SF2 or RF2 are not assigned to a sensor.
Overheating may occur in the heating circuits of the primary controller without control valve.
Excessive charging temperatures in DHW circuits without control valve controlled by the pri-
mary controller are excluded when the default settings of the controller are used: while stor-
age tank charging is active, no flow temperature higher than the charging temperature is
used by the primary controller. Nevertheless, if the Priority for external demand function is
activated, the external demand is also processed during storage tank charging.
Priority for external demand
CO4 > F16 - 1
Binary demand processing
Regardless of the operating mode set for control circuit RK1, except for manual mode, the
controller regulates the flow temperature when either the binary input (terminals 03/12) is a
make contact ('Active when BI' = OFF) or a break contact ('Active when BI' = ON) in control
circuit RK1 to at least the adjusted flow temperature adjusted in PA1 > P10 ('Minimum flow
temperature set point HC for binary demand processing').