Permanently displayed partitions
[State part.] – you can select the partitions whose state
will be permanently presented in the lower line of the display. Up to 16 partitions can be
selected. The partitions are displayed successively: for example, if the partitions 3, 6 and 7
are selected, their state will be displayed in the first, second and third position of the
Zone state
[Zone characters] – you can define the symbols which will illustrate the state of
Partition state
[Part. characters] – you can define the symbols which will illustrate the state
of partitions.
– you can define which functions will be started on entering the code and
pressing the selected arrow key.
– the function makes it possible to control the sensitivity level of built-in proximity
card reader in the INT-KLCDR keypad with firmware version 1.06 or newer (1 – the
highest sensitivity, 10 – the lowest sensitivity).
Card close
– parameter available for the INT-KLCDR keypad. Allows to select a function to
be executed upon presenting the card.
Card holddown
– parameter available for the INT-KLCDR keypad. Allows to select a
function to be executed upon holding the card.
– parameter available for the INT-KLCDR keypad. If in response to presenting/holding
the card a door is to be opened, indicate the door supervised by the module executing
access control functions or the 101. C
type output.
Tamper signaled in partition
[Tamper in part.] – selection of the partition in which alarm will
be signaled if the keypad tamper contact is opened or the keypad is disconnected from the
control panel.
Fig. 10. "User functions definition" tab for keypad in the D
X program.
7. Timers
The timers enable some functions to be automatically executed by the control panel
(arming/disarming, turning on/off devices connected to outputs, etc.). The timer compares the
time to that of the control panel clock and executes the selected function at the programmed