66 Programming
Show disarm messages
[Show disarming] – if this option is enabled, the keypad will inform
about disarming with a displayed message at all times. If the option is disabled – only in
case of disarming from the given keypad.
Show arm messages
[Show arm] – if this option is enabled, the keypad will inform about
arming with a displayed message (irrespective of how the system was armed).
Communication RS
– if this option is enabled, it is possible to connect a computer with
X program to the LCD keypad RS-232 port. The option is not available for the
INT-KSG and INT-TSG keypads.
Quick contro
l [control 8#] – if this option is enabled, the O
user function can be
started by pressing in turn the 8 keys (without the need to enter the user code).
Sound volume
– the function enables the volume level of sound signal in the keypad to be
set. Available in the INT-KLCD, INT-KLCDR, INT-KSG and INT-TSG type keypads.
Keypad zones
– for each of the keypad zones can be defined whether it will be used or not.
– the backlight can go on additionally after a specified event in the system:
starting the entry delay countdown in a selected partition or violating the selected zone.
In the case of the INTEGRA 256 Plus control panel, violation of the zone numbers
from 129 to 256 can turn on backlight in the keypads with the following firmware
INT-KLCD / INT-KLCDR – 1.12 (or newer);
INT-KLCDK / INT-KLCDL / INT-KLCDS – 6.12 (or newer);
INT-KSG – 2.00 (or newer).
State inspections
– you can select which of the functions started by holding the number
keys will be available in the keypad.
Fig. 9. Keypad "State inspections" tab in D
X program.