OTF-920 Operation Manual
The output optical power can be controlled using the variable attenuator (if fitted).
The unit contains
two in
dependent sliders; a variable attenuator can be mounted onto one of the sliders. The
attenuation can be controlled either manually or automatically. The automatic control uses an integral
closed feedback loop, using the signal from the photodetector, and provides automatic power control of
the output signal.
The OTF-920 is calibrat
d in the factory and should not usually require adjustment. The wavelength
calibration feature enables a user to recalibrate the unit should this become necessary. An adjustment
of up to
1.0nm is possible. If the device requires an adjustment greater than this there may be a more
serious problem and we recommend that you contact Santec’s technical support division.
3.5. Wavelength Offset
3.4. Optical Power Control
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