OTF-920 Operation Manual
7.3. Setting Parameters
A numeric value can be entered using either the Numeric Keypad or the Up / Down Arrow Keys.
The following descriptions outline the general operation of each.
7.3.1. Setting using the Numeric Keypad
The numeric keypad provides direct numeric entry for parameters such as wavelength and
attenuation. The numeric value shown on the display is only saved to the OTF-920’s memory
when the enter (ENT) key is pressed. After checking the numeric value displayed is the intended
value to be set, always remember to press the ENT key. If the ENT key is pressed before all
digits have been entered the remaining digits will be entered as zeros.
The CL key will clear the current display during numeric keypad entry. This is particular useful
when an entry error has been made and allows re-entry of all digits.
The BS key will move the cursor position back one digit. This is particularly useful when an
entry error has been made and allows re-entry of a single digit.
The Up / Down Arrow Keys and other function keys will become inactive when setting values
using the Numeric Keypad.
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