4G Services, 53
About Device, 108
Accessibility Settings, 106
Accounts, 36
Email, 38
Gmail, 36
Google, 36
Social Network, 42
Accounts and Sync, 104
Activation, 3, 107
Airplane Mode, 82
Alarm and Timer, 72
Application Manager, 92
Apps, 44
Assistant Menu, 23
Back Key, 6
Backup and Reset, 103
Charging, 2
Settings, 92
Blocking Mode, 85
Bluetooth, 55, 70
Disconnect, 57
Pairing with a Bluetooth Device, 56
Receive Information, 58
Send Information, 57
Settings, 80
Turn On or Off, 55
Unpair, 57
Brightness, 88
Chrome, 52
Internet Browser (App), 52
Lumen Toolbar, 52
Calculator, 72
Calendar, 72
Camera, 7, 63
Settings, 65
Viewing Pictures, 66
Chrome, 52
Clock, 72
Cloud, 103
Contacts, 31
Accessing, 31
Add, 31
Add to Your Favorites, 33
Assign a Photo, 32
Basics, 31
Delete, 33
Edit, 32
Link, 33
Share, 34
Contacts Groups, 34
Add Members, 35
Create a New Group, 34
Send Email or Gmail to Group, 35
Corporate Email
Creation, 38
Data Services, 52
Data Usage, 81
Date and Time, 105
Daydream, 89
Default Notification Sounds, 86
Turning Off and On, 2
Dispay, 7
Display Settings, 87
DivX, 44
DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance), 84
Dock, 105
Downloads, 74
Drag, 10
Driving Mode, 86
Dropbox, 75
Email, 38
Add Account, 38
Compose and Send, 39
Delete Account, 42
Manage Inbox, 40
Microsoft Exchange Accounts, 38
Settings, 41
View and Reply, 39