40 _ Troubleshooting
Auto Mode
6. [Auto Mode STEP 2: check water supply]
1) Supply 4.5L of water.
Water supply error : detected in the same way as normal water supply error but if water is not fully supplied for a maximum of 5 minutes, the
water supply inspection code is activated.
2) Water supply operates (including the internal pressure calibration) according to the development model specifications.
3) Once the water supply, internal pressure calibration and alternating motor operation completes, proceed to [STEP3].
7. [Auto Mode STEP 3: check nozzle]
1) Operate the circulation pump. (BLDC: 2400RPM, AC Pump: LOW (default)/HI Setting)
2) Operates the alternating motor in the order of the locations where alternation takes place during the water supply step. Skip any unused
alternation. Operate for 10 seconds each time after it reaches the target alternation location.
ex) Location #1: 10 seconds, Location #2: 10 seconds , Location #3: 10 seconds, … Location #6: (10 seconds) Location #1: 10 seconds
For models with AC circulation pump, operate in the order of LOW (starting alternation → HI → LOW → for each alternation location.
When the last alternation completes, the circulation pump operates from LOW (starting alternation) again.
For models with a Vane, move the Vane back and forth once when operating the bottom.
For Vane operation alternations, detect the Vane reset position and then operate the relevant alternation while moving it back and forth
3) Operate the Dispenser Actuator for 130 seconds.
4) [STEP3] Operate the heater 10 seconds after operating.
5) If after 1 Cycle is run for each alternating position and the temperature has increased by more than 2 degrees over the initially saved
temperature (the initial temperature saving point is saved 30 seconds after running [STEP3]), or if more than 73 degrees is detected when
operating the heater, turn the heater OFF and judge it as normal operations of the heater.
6) Go to [STEP4] when more than 1 Cycle is run for each alternating position until the last alternation, the heater operation is judged to be
normal, and then the Dispenser is operated for 130 seconds.
However, for models with a Vane, go to [STEP4] after moving the Vane from the Vane Reset position to the front for 1.0 second.
7) HC1 error will occur if the heater operation is not judged to be normal after 10 minutes have passed.
8. [Auto Mode STEP 4: check drain]
1) Operate the drain pump.
2) Follow the same steps as PreDrain.
3) If low water level is not detected in the first cycle after draining starts, the drain inspection code is activated.
4) For models without low water level detection, proceed to the next step after draining without the drain inspection code.