DT Etherlink IV
User Manual
- 71 - <DSLTS list/NONE [N=1..4]> Command
This command sets transmitted/received time slots of the E1 channel with number N to be
transmitted over the SHDSL interface. The list consist of numbers of separate time slots or their
ranges, separated by comma. For example: 1,5,14-19. The empty list is set by typing NONE.
Spaces in the list are not allowed. Use the “minus” sign or two dots “..” to set the range.
CO_CM>DSLTS 0-31 1
CO_CM>DSLTS 0-12,16 1
CO_CM>DSLTS 1..31 1 <WANTS [list] [N=1..4]> Command (Ethernet over E1)
This command sets the list of E1 time slots to be transmitted over the WAN interface (Ethernet). N is
the number of the E1 interface.
CO_CM>WANTS 0-31 1
CO_CM>WANTS 12-18,19 1
CO_CM>WANTS 0-21,24 1
CO_CM>WANTS 1..21 1 <E1CLOCK [DSL/RX/EXT] [N]> Command
This command sets the E1 output clock source for the WANTS mode.
E1CLOCK DSL: The Rx clock of the DSL channel connected to this E1 interface
E1CLOCK RX: E1 input clock
E1CLOCK EXT: External input clock. <E1MODE [HDB3/AMI] [N]> Command
This command sets the E1 line coding to AMI or HDB3. <PASSWORD USER/ADMIN> Command
The <PASSWORD USER/ADMIN> command is used to set user and administrator passwords.
Enter password:
Confirm password:
Only the administrator can perform this command. The password length is not more than 11
symbols. The password can contain Latin letters and digits.
It is also possible to set an empty password (in this case, the password is not
requested while opening the telnet session). This command sets the password only to
access the device over the telnet protocol. When managing the devices via the RS-
232 interface, the password is not requested. <ID string> Command
This command is used to enter an identification number on the device (text containing no more that
12 symbols). This ID will be displayed on top the main menu. If the parameter is not written, the
device ID will be empty. <DEFAULT [0-4]> Command
The <DEFAULT N> command sets the default operation mode, where N is the mode number (there
are four default operation modes).