OPC90 Server
red tag users are ON, SET or TAG. The commands for detaching red tag users
are OFF, RESET or UNTAG. A space must be included between the com
and user name or code. Command entry including the user name is not c
ensitive. The result of the command is returned in this tag.
The following example shows the three tags associated with red tagging alo
with the results of the set command.
5.3.6 SOE Point Names
Select “Edit->SOE Point Names” to define sequence of event point names
referenced by the OPC90 SOE blocks. Definition of four sets of SOE point
ames is supported. Each set defines 512 points. When SOE data is received
from the ABB Bailey system, that data identifies points by their number (0 – 511).
rs are associated with point names defined by this dialog. The
files generated by OPC90 contain both the point number and point
his menu item is selected the following dialog is displayed:
Those numbe
various SOE
name. When t
The RoviSys Company
Version 7.0
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