OPC90 Server
The RoviSys Company
Version 7.0
Page 145
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\
for both the device ahead of you and for the SCSI device you want to be first and look at
the TAG value. You need to change the tag value so that the device you want listed first
(as S1000) is a lower value than the device that is forcing it to S2000:.
Detailed explanation of what this procedure accomplishes follows as gleaned from the
Microsoft web site:
Tag REG_DWORD Specifies a load order within a given group.
The value of Tag specifies a number that is unique within
the group of which the service is a member. The related
GroupName entry under the Control\GroupOrderList subkey
specifies a list of tags, in load order. For example, the
following services that are members of the Primary Disk
group could have these values: Tag=4 for the Abiosdsk
subkey, Tag=2 for Atdisk, Tag=1 for Cpqarray, and Tag=3 for
Floppy. The value for Primary Disk under the GroupOrderList
subkey will use these Tag values to specify the defined
order for loading these services. As another example, each
SCSI miniport service has a unique Tag value that is used as
an identifier in the SCSI miniport value under the
GroupOrderList subkey to define which SCSI adapter to load
10.19 OPC90 Running as a Service Randomly Stops or Crashes
RoviSys has taken every effort to develop a “bug” free OPC server.
Nevertheless sometimes unforeseen problems exist caused by loading, random
hardware glitches or other factors such as misbehaving OPC client software.
These types of problems are usually very difficult to duplicate and isolate. Make
sure the Windows Dr. Watson program is active on the system. Email the Dr.
Watson log to RoviSys for analysis. Often the file does not contain enough
useful information to find the root cause of the problem. Only after RoviSys
recommendation, try installing the debug version of OPC90 Server. Consult the
README file in the C:\Program Files\OPC90 Server\DEBUG directory for further