OPC90 Server
8 CSV File Formats
This section is provided to help the user quickly setup an OPC90 Server
configuration. A CSV file is an ASCII Text based file containing fields delimited by
a comma. Miscrosoft Excel can be used to create this file and simply export it in
the CSV file format. Each line (row in Excel) in the file declares exactly one
OPC90 block. OPC90 groups and tags are not defined within the file. Groups and
tags will be created automatically based on the block name and type. File
formats for each line in the CSV file are given below. If you are still unsure about
the exact format after reviewing the following tables, consult the
SamplePoints.CSV included with the OPC90 installation. You can also configure
an example of a block using OPC90 Server itself and than export that database
to a CSV file.
In addition to configuring OPC90 blocks, the CSV file supports the definition of
the engineering units map and text message map. These maps are normally
defined using the OPC90 Edit->Engineering Units and Edit->Text Messages
dialogs. Definitions within the CSV file allow bulk definition of these two maps.
The format for defining the maps and block definitions are presented by the
following tables.
Map Definition
EU Text, EUMAP, EU Code (valid range is 0 – 255)
Name, User number (1-128), User Code (1 – 65535)
Text Message, TEXTMAP, Text Message Number (valid range is 0 – 10000)
Point Name, SOEPOINT, Point Number (0-511), Point Set (1-4)
Block Fields
Block Name, Block Type, Location, Description
Block Name, Block Type, Location (only block #), Description, Max Time, Initial Value, EU
code, Zero, Span, Significant Change, High Alarm Limit, Low Alarm Limit
Block Name, Block Type, Location, Description, Password
Block Name, Block Type, Location, Description
Block Name, Block Type, Location, Description
Block Name, Block Type, Location, Description, F1LSD0, F1LSD1, F2LSD0, F2LSD1,
Device Name, Block Type, Port, Description, Max Outputs, Watchdog Timer, Import
Exception Report Update Rate, Background Poll Rate, STN Fast Update Period, STN Fast
Update period, Exception Report Screen Flag, Establish Points Online Flag, System Type
Flag (0 = Infi90, 1 = Network 90), Get Set Time Flag, Get Time Flag, Time Warp Flag, Use
DCS Time Stamp Flag, Lock Flag, Enable Simulation Flag, Simulate Device Input Blocks
Flag, Simulation AOL and DOL Block Inputs, Simulate Factor, Tag Startup Status (1 = Good,
2 = Uncertain, 4 = Bad), Continuous OPC Client Update Flag, Exception Report Write
Confirmation flag, Group Output Writes flag, Output Exception Report Update Rate, Log
Save Days, Enhanced Analog Precision Flag, MSDD Pulse Out Handling Flag, Override
DCS Time Stamp Flag, SOE Save Days, Automatic STN CPU_OK Flag, Extended
STN.MODE range, Tag Startup Complete on XRP, Set STN.KFAST on STN.K* Writes, Set
Output Block Types QUALITY Bad When No Inputs
Block Name, Block Type, Location, Description, OUTLSD0, OUTLSD1
The RoviSys Company
Version 7.0
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