OPC90 Server
The following table summarizes the output report block types supported by
OPC90 Server. These blocks enable OPC clients to source these Bailey tag
types to the Bailey system.
Data Type
as Bailey
Analog AOL
Analog Output Loop used to source an analog value
to Bailey function codes 26, 121 and analog Bailey
console tags.
Digital DOL
Digital Output Loop used to source a digital value to
Bailey function codes 42, 122 and digital Bailey
console tags.
Digital ODD
Output Device Driver used to source device driver
data to a Bailey DD console tag. The Bailey console
can issue on or off commands to this block with the
client indicating results using a set of feedback
Digital OMSDD
Output Multi-State Device Driver used to source
multi-state device driver data to a Bailey MSDD
console tag. The Bailey console can issue state
commands to this block with the client indicating
results using a set of feedback indicators.
Digital ORCM
Output Remote Control Memory used to source
remote control memory data to a Bailey RCM
console tag. The Bailey console can issue on or off
commands to this block with the client indicating
results using a feedback indicator.
Digital ORMC
Output Remote Motor Control used to source remote
motor control data to a Bailey RMC console tag. The
Bailey console can issue start or stop commands to
this block with the client indicating results using a set
of permissive and feedback indicators.
Analog ORMSC
Output Remote Manual Set Constant used to source
remote manual set data to a Bailey RMSC console
tag. The Bailey console can issue set point values to
this block for use by the client.
Analog OSTN
21, 22, 23, 80
PID control loops (OSTN stands for Output Station
Control) used to source PID control data to a Bailey
STN console tag. The Bailey console can issue PID
control commands (set point, control output, mode) to
this block with the client responds back with process
variable and other STN indicators.
The RoviSys Company
Version 7.0
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