OPC90 Server
Consider the following examples:
1.) 1_2_3_100_0420200702.STD
2.) 1_2_3_101_0228200701.SUM
3.) 1_2_3_102_0308200701.PRE
4.) 1_2_3_103_0308200701.POS
5.) 1_2_3_104_1225200699.SNP
Example 1 is the 2nd standard SOE log captured on April 20, 2007 by the SOE block at ring 1,
node 2, module 3 and block address 100.
Example 2 is the 1st summary SOE log captured on February 28, 2007 by the SOE block at ring
1, node 2, module 3 and block address 101.
Example 3 is the 1st pre-fault SOE log captured on March 8, 2007 by the SOE block at ring 1,
node 2, module 3 and block address 102.
Example 4 is the 1st post-fault SOE log captured on March 8, 2007 by the SOE block at ring 1,
node 2, module 3 and block address 103.
Example 5 is the 99th snapshot SOE log captured on December 25
, 2006 by the SOE block at
ring 1, node 2, module 3 and block address 104.
Note that this naming convention supports up to 99 capture files (a_a_a_a_xxxxxxxx01.STD –
a_a_a_a_xxxxxxxx99.STD) for each given log type to be recorded per day. After generation of
the 99
log file (a_a_a_a_xxxxxxxx99.STD) it will wrap back around to the beginning
(a_a_a_a_xxxxxxxx01.STD). The capture files are stored in the C:\Program Files\OPC90
Server\SOE directory. This directory is also included in the OPC90 database shadowing feature.
The data in the log file is stored in a space separated ASCII format. The first line is a count of the
number of SOE records contained by the file. Each subsequent line is a SOE record containing
the point number, date string, time string, its quality, alarm state, scan state, value, point type
string and point name string. Consider the following example data stored in the file
1 2/01/2007 23:23:50.120 0 0 0 1 Pre-fault Pump_A
2 2/01/2007 23:23:50.125 0 0 1 0 Pre-fault Pump_B
6 2/01/2007 23:23:50.203 0 1 0 1 Pre-fault Compressor_1
9 2/01/2007 23:23:50.987 1 0 0 0 Pre-fault Compressor_2
The log is the first one to occur on February 1, 2007 for pre-faulted data points. It contains four
SOE records as indicated by the first line.
The first record is point #1 which was logged by the Bailey block on February 1, 2007 at
23:23:50.120. It has good quality, its not in alarm, has not been deleted from the scan and has a
value of one. The point type is pre-fault and it called “Pump_A”.
The second record is point #2 which was logged by the Bailey block on February 1, 2007 at
23:23:50.125. It has good quality, its not in alarm, has been deleted from the scan and has a
value of zero. The point type is pre-fault and it called “Pump_B”.
The third record is point #6 which was logged by the Bailey block on February 1, 2007 at
23:23:50.203. It has good quality, its in alarm, has not been deleted from the scan and has a
value of one. The point type is pre-fault and it called “Compressor_1”.
The RoviSys Company
Version 7.0
Page 110