GHDX2-ADA DICOM Storage and Archive Appliance Admin Guide
Appendix E: Initial Production Installation from USB
Installation Overview of the Galaxy HDX2-ADA DICOM Appliance
from USB
This procedure is designed to be used by the production entities only. The GalaxyDICOM
distribution USB is the only medium needed to install GalaxyDICOM in a production
environment. The following is an overview of the required procedures.
The steps to install GalaxyDICOM from USB are as follows:
Boot computer into RAID utility and configure the hard drives in a RAID 1
Boot computer from USB (requires BIOS setting change).
Login into GalaxyDICOM (user “root” and password “Galaxy”).
Execute /usr/bin/ procedure.
Reboot from the hard disk once installation is finished.
Configure network as required.
License the GalaxyDICOM.
Login and run post-installation script.
Execute the Installation Verification procedure.
Note: The user will need to define which hard disk the GalaxyDICOM operating system will
be installed on (usually /dev/sda), and enter password for QStar specific software. The user
will also need to define GalaxyDICOM data disk (usually /dev/sdb – RAID disk).
Post-Installation Overview of the GalaxyDICOM Configuration
The post installation is required to reset some parameters and clean-up the system.
During post-installation the QStar HSM simulated jukebox “jbsd” is created and the
“pacs_nearline” Integral Volume set is defined. The QStar servers are automatically started
and the Integral Volume set is mounted.
The post-installation procedure recreates data base tables and reconfigures the
GalaxyDICOM software.
Installation Verification Overview of the GalaxyDICOM
Performing the GalaxyDICOM installation verification will ensure that all data bases are
configured properly and all file systems are mounted.